Indian Armed Forces in Egypt and Palestine-1914-1918

Indian Armed Forces in Egypt and Palestine-1914-1918

Author Name: D.C. Verma


ISBN : 81-85891-57-5

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Egypt and Palestine were areas of great strategic importance in any large scale war. These were of very crucial importance for the British because these controlled the most efficient routes to the Indian Empire. The author has presented a dispassionate account of the organization, personnel role, as also the exploits and travails of the Indian contingents which were sent to Egypt and Palestine to assist in the war efforts during 1914-18. \nThis work will prove useful for those interested in the issues relating to India's participation in the First World War, course of this war in Egypt and Palestine, difficulties that arose during actual combat in executing war strategy, strategies adopted by those involved in battles, improvisations attempted and made, and account of efforts-both successful and unsuccessful-made at grass root level. The maps enhance the value of this presentation further. \nIt is a useful and meticulously presented work. The author draws very interesting and important conclusions.

Year 2004
Pages 248
Author Name D.C. Verma