Aquatic Macrophytes of North Bihar

Aquatic Macrophytes of North Bihar

Author Name: Dr. Kumari Anuradha


ISBN : 978-81-94867-88-3

Edition : Hard Bound

Categories : Botany



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The book is about water plants in the flood-plain wetlands of Mithila region in North Bihar. It deals with plants like Makhana (Eurale ferox), Singhara (Trapa Natans Var bispinasa), Khubhi (Scripus articulatus) that are mainly utilized as supplementary food. In addition, it deals with plants like Kamal (Nilumba Nucixera), Katra Jhar (Zizanioides), Motha (Cyperus rotundus), Behaya (Ipomea), Kechuli (Eichhornia Crassipes), etc. That grow abundently in these wetlands and add to the economy of the region. The book also provides valuable feedback in initiation and implementation of Jal Jeevan Hariyali Mission of the Government of Bihar, to address the problem of Climate Change by re-strengthening our environment in order to protect water resources. The book is very useful for farmers, educators, administrators, planners, researchers and students.

Weight 0.450 Gm.
Year 2021
Pages 172
Edition Hard Bound
Author Name Dr. Kumari Anuradha
About the Authors Dr. Kumari Anuradha was born and raised in Darbhanga, Bihar and comes from a family of the educators. Always being deeply interested in advanced studies and education in various subjects and fields, Dr. Anuradha holds several higher degrees like Masters of Science in botany, and a Masters in Education. For her Master's in Botany, she was awarded with the Tooper's Gold Medal by L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga. She did her Ph.D in Botany in the area of aquatic macrophytes and her research work has served as the basis of this book. During her career span of X years, she has taught in various institutions and currently she is teaching as an Assistant Professor at Jamshedpur Women's College, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand). Dr. Anuradha is a prolific writer and has written and published several articles and papers in various journals over the years. Due to her highly effective and motivating mode of teaching, she has always being extremely popular and revered amongst her students. On the personal front, she is married to an Engineer and has a 12 year old son.